Tuesday, March 9, 2010

become instantly more likeable in 5 easy steps

just some social observations to increase your likability. i bet you they work, and bet you that you havent even noticed that you may not be a likable human being. your friends just dont have the balls to tell you

1. STOP COMPLAINING. its not that fun for the rest of us. if you dont want to do something, then don't do it. we dont want to hear about how you dont want to do it while you are doing it.

2. STOP THE NEGATIVITY. don't talk about how fat or unkept you are, don't talk about your unshaven legs. in fact, if its anything negative about yourself at all, just keep your mouth shut. its unattractive and you are only attracting attention to something people may not even have noticed or cared. 

3. BE CHARMING dont look like you have a stick up your ass, and dont be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. a smile goes a long way, and charm can often soften people up. it can be the difference between someone likable or not.

4. DONT BE ABRASIVE usually this comes from your personal problems, issues, situation or stresses. don't let that pollute all parts of your life. abrasiveness is very off putting in social interactions, and will push people away

5. LISTEN don't just talk about yourself, don't be self involved. don't just hear what people are saying to you, listen and process what they are actually saying, and respond to that.

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